The growing problems of lacking resources, pollution, and global warming have led some people to develop technologies that are both energy-conserving and ecologically friendly. Using solar tiles, shingles, and panels as items to build up the roof in modern-day houses are examples of these types of technologies.
Solar panels, shingles, or tiles are aesthetically like asphalt-made roofing panels, but what makes them special is the photovoltaic thin film substance found on their top surface layer. This is why these three items are jointly technically referred to as “building integrated photovoltaic” or BIPV.
How Do These Items Work?
Direct conversion of light or radiant energy from the sun’s rays into electrical energy is the main basic process that happens within the photovoltaic component of solar tiles, shingles, and panels.
What Makes It Most Suitable As A Roofing Alternative?
The roof is the largest surface area of the house which can come into direct contact with the sun’s powerful emission (it must be noted part of the uses of placing a roof over a house is the protection against the sun’s heat). Thus by using solar tiles, shingles, and panels, two birds are hit with one stone because now the application of the roof not only rejects or protects the inhabitants of that house from sun and rain it can now be doubled off an electricity generator.
What Benefits Are Received From Using Solar Tiles, Shingles, And Panels?
By installing these environment-friendly panels benefits can be reaped both for Mother Earth and the user. Listed below are some of the good things which can be obtained:
Lower Monthly Electric Bill
Electric consumption is lessened since some of the energy needed to run household items may come from light or radiation energy converted to electrical energy.
Less Environmental Destructive Impact
Because of using less electricity indirectly lesser pollution is generated especially the air pollution from diesel-powered plants. Secondly, natural resources which can be consumed to produce electricity are lessened. Gasoline and oil which according to research is about to be depleted in fifty years can be extended by using renewable energy sources.
Here are important aspects that one must take into consideration when deciding to use these items :
How much sun does this area receive throughout the year?
If one is living in the equator where sunny days run all year long then choosing this as the roofing alternative is quite viable and feasible as compared to that when one is living in the South Pole where the sun’s rays are hardly seen.
What direction is the solar panel facing? Are there structures that may block the sun’s rays from reaching the tiles?
Remember the ability of the solar panel to generate electricity is directly proportional to how much of the sun’s energy it receives. Less solar rays absorbed by the tiles means a lesser amount of electrical energy formed. So now you know that it is good to use solar roofing shingles, tiles, and panels for your home.
Want full help in making anything solar? Be eco-friendly and save on electricity.